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Permanent Recruitment


High performers: how to get them,...how to keep them!

By Steve Schmidt

High-performing employees are something every small business owner should dream of finding and hiring into his or her company. After all, high performers are confident, multi-tasking team players...

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Smart hiring: are you doing it right?

By Marcia Zidle

Does your hiring process consist of proven practices or just a hodgepodge of activities that get into gear when someone says, “I need more people” or “Sally has left and we need someone to take her place now?”

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Engaging the remote worker

By Maysa Hawwash

If a company offers and encourages telecommuting, hiring employees with the right core competencies is critical to ensure they have the flexibility and autonomy required to be successful...

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Six strategies to hire right the first time

By Drake Editorial Team

he skill of a person drives the will of a person. A person who has all of the skills but lacks the will to push and perform at peak levels is just not the right fit...

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Reduce employee turnover in the first 90 days

By Joel Garfinkle

Don’t spend all that money training new hires just to see them leave for your competition. When you follow these five steps, you can reduce turnover in the first 90 days and retain your valuable employees for years to come...

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The ‘moneyball’ approach to business hiring

By Drake Editorial Team

Great coaches not only consider an athlete’s talent and heart when they’re building a team, but they consider group dynamics too. It’s not just a matter of getting the fastest, strongest, and smartest players on your side.

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