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Personality Assessments - Drake P3


How to help others resolve conflict

By Ken Warren

Managers often wonder what they would do with the extra time if they didn’t have to deal with difficulties between team members...

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Does Your Team Culture Need a Makeover?

By Gregg Gregory

Every team within the organization has a dramatic impact on the culture and thus an impact on the bottom line. So, how do you know if your team’s culture is in need of an overhaul—a makeover?..

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Excel in Conflict Resolution (Dr. Linda Henan)

By Dr. Linda Henan

Although most of us want smooth interpersonal interactions, disagreements and conflicts are part of any dynamic organization.

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Defining talent in a downturn

By Dr. Robin Stuart-Kotze

The sharp downturn in the world economy has changed the nature of the talent business. It’s suddenly gone from frantically trying to recruit bright and able people to focusing on keeping and developing them.

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Focus on small business & HR

By Drake Editorial Team, Paul Falcone, and Lori Kleinman

In the increasingly complex world of human resources, small to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) face employee challenges similar to those of larger organizations...

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Management tips: how to build positive relationships at work

By Joel Garfinkle

Building positive workplace relationships is vital for career success...

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