This electronic version of our popular Drake Business Review magazine will be published every quarter. In each edition, you will find articles written by global thought leaders focusing on these 3 key human resource topics: People, Productivity and Performance.


Subscribe today If you are looking for practical tips and guidance on how to:

  • Lower your cost of hiring
  • Improve levels of employee engagement
  • Reduce staff turnover rates
  • Increase levels of employee satisfaction
  • Improve your levels of productivity and performance


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The DBR Online Vol 3 2018

Want to build a case to outsource all or part of your HR needs? Page 8 will provide you 6 compelling reasons why HR outsourcing is an excellent way for smaller companies to transform and get the expertise they need without the cost of additional employees or salaries.

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The DBR Online Vol 2 2018

What are the criteria by which you evaluate whether someone can be a high-potential leader? Page 3 has a short article that will provide you with 5 criteria that you can use to build a pipeline of highly skilled individuals preparing your organisation for change and growth.

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The DBR Online Vol 1 2018

Getting the right person on board, in the right position, at the right time, is one of the most strategic business decisions today. See inside this issue for 8 great interviewing tips that will speed up your hiring process and save your organisation thousands of dollars.

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